ATA Delegate Reports

Monthly reports from our Illinois ATA Delegate

Hi everyone. I want to introduce you to the Illinois members of the 2025 All-American team.
OPEN 2nd Team - Garrett Helms
LADY 2 1st Team - Janice Rigler
JUNIOR GOLD 1st Team - Ian Lawrence(Captian), Wyatt Williams, Steve Marcherio, Landon Sievers
JUNIOR 1st Team - Mason Bartlow
SUB JUNIOR 2nd Team - Carson Sievers
SENIOR VETERAN 1st Team - Mike Westjohn(cap), Frank Payne
VETERAN 1st Team - Mike Dennis, Brian Hezel, Mike Hathaway
VETERAN 2nd Team - Frank Haynes, Dan Staker
Congratulations to all of you.

A few weeks ago, I took a drive over to east, central Illinois to certify two new clubs to throw registered birds. They are the Windsor and Sullivan Gun Clubs. Windsor is a 2-trap club located 6 miles east of Shelbyville, Illinois, next to Lake Shelbyville. Sullivan Gun Club is a 1-trap club located a couple of miles southeast of Sullivan, Illinois. Both are nice places, eager to have shooters come and enjoy their hospitality. As I walked around both clubs, it struck me again how nice small clubs are to go and shoot at. There is an intimacy and friendliness you will never find at a big club. If you are around this part of Illinois, check these two clubs out. I know you will enjoy yourself.

I want to correct a mistake I made on the 2024 All-State team. In the Open category, the ninth shooter should be Tad Horton with a 91.07 average. The tenth shooter is now Bill Christensen. I apologize to all concerned for this mistake.

I was very sad when I heard that Dean Kerhulas had passed away. Dean shot for years all over the Midwest. He was never a great shot, but he enjoyed himself wherever he went. Later in his life he shot a lot less, instead, he started volunteering at the Downers Grove Sportsman's Club. Whatever needed to be done he was willing to do it. People like Dean are the backbone of our sport. He will never be in the Hall of Fame, but he is certainly deserving of a Man of the Year award. I wish we have more like him.

Finally, I have some milestones to report. Larry Brown has shot 25,000 Handicap targets. Tom Fester and Gary Crowe have shot 50,000 targets - Tom in Singles and Gary in Handicap.
Shoot well and support your local club.

Bill Duncan, ATA Delegate