ATA Delegate Reports

Monthly reports from our Illinois ATA Delegate

Hi everyone. I want to introduce you to the Illinois 20,000 target members from the past target year. They are: Mike Dennis, Leland Hassler, David Peace, Jesse Tedrick, David Giacomi, Lawrence Gillum and Jaxson Wilson. When you think about the time, energy and resources that go into this, it is quite remarkable we have this many volume shooters. Congratulations to all of you. I've said this before, if any of you would like to adopt me, I promise to be a great shooting buddy.

I am pleased to announce that the ISTA Board of Directors and the Mohr family have reached an agreement to continue to have the Illinois State Shoot at Brittany Shooting Park. It is a 2-year deal which means we can continue to have great shoots there. If you have never been to the Illinois State Shoot, come on down, we have the best background in the midwest, and I promise you you'll shoot some great scores.

If you carefully look at all the results of the Grand in Trap and Field magazine, you will notice a page where they list all the non-Delegates and ATA officials who volunteered to help run the shoot offs each night. An Illinois shooter, Frank Payne, gave up 8 of his evenings to help run the shoot. When I asked him why he did this he said, "I just wanted to help." I have written before about what a great shooter and person he is. This just shows, yet again, what I have been saying. The ATA did not say thanks, so I will, Frank you did a wonderful thing, and I am so proud to be a friend of yours. I wish we had a whole heck of a lot more like you.

Hang in there. Spring is almost here. Shoot well and support your local clubs.

Bill Duncan, ATA Delegate