Minutes of the ISTA Board of Directors Meeting on May 21, 2022.
Roll Call
Southern Zone: Dennis Baker, John Kravanek, Ned Meyer, Frank Payne - ex
Central Zone: Steve Carver, Mike Dennis, Bill Maiden, Kevin Wunder
Northern Zone: Charlie Bickle, Patrick Haskins, Bill Huhn, Stan Systo
Others: Joan Davis, ISTA Secretary; Michelle Mueller, Carol Mohr, Bill Duncan, ATA Delegate
SECRETARY’S REPORT – Ned Meyer made a motion to waive the reading of the minutes and accept the minutes as presented by email from the Secretary. Pat Haskins seconded the motion. Motion carried.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Ned Meyer reported the following:  Edward Jones investment account, cash & money market, etc... Stan Systo made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report; Pat Haskins seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Condition of BSP for State Shoot – Michelle Mueller reported the road would have been done that day, however the rain postponed it, but it will be repaved before the state shoot at a cost of around $19,000.  The edging around the dump station has been done, repainted trap houses, numbers on fields, the rest of the edging has all being done.  They will be going through all the traps and putting new parts on and all will be tested out the first weekend in June when the High School State Shoot is held there.  They went from 350 kids last year to 721 kids this year. A question was asked about a couple of fields where the doubles targets could never be raised and wondered if they raised the roof.  Michelle said no, they did not raise the roof, but John Kravanek said Jake ground it out so they can be raised.
Update on Gift Brick Donation for HOF – Bill Huhn reported on the list of gift brick donations.  It has been live for 490 days and thirty-two bricks have been sold to date with a total of $6,200.  Bill Duncan reported the balance of the HOF fund is around $19,000 with the amount owed from PayPal.  Steve Carver asked what total was needed to build and Denny Baker said $100,000.  Denny went on to say when the fund gets to be around $40,000, the committee would put together some numbers on what could be built – maybe the shell - and then finish the inside with more donations later.  Denny said he could wire it and maybe we can have a workday with other labor donations.  Pat Haskins said he knows a couple of electricians who said they would help.  Pat Haskins also mentioned he had a donation for bathroom fixtures if that was still needed but he was reminded the bathroom idea had been nixed. 
Target Prices - Denny Baker mentioned the issue of raising the target price.  He said he felt like maybe the board got involved in it when maybe they should not have. He felt like the supplier of the targets should talk to Brittany and the cost should be between the supplier and Brittany. He does not feel like the board should be telling Brittany what the prices should be set at.  Pat Haskins said it cannot be an “us & them thing” and we have to discuss things with them and to see how we can help them.  Kevin Wunder said no one is not helping them.  He said he and Jim Lyons, for several years, have gone out of their way to help Brittany.  Kevin said as a state association, our first responsibility is to the shooters of the state.  Denny Baker said he does not think ISTA needs to get in Brittany’s business when they are negotiating the price of targets. That is their business.  Denny said if this comes up again it needs to be between the supplier and Brittany.  Charlie said the board will have to work it out then.
Raising Sticker Prices for Youth - Joan reminded the board they had tabled the issue of raising ISTA sticker prices for youth from $5 to $10 at a previous board meeting.  The board discussed and Denny Baker made a motion to raise the sticker price for youth for the 2023 shoot year from $5.00 to $10.00.  Ned Meyer seconded the motion.  Motion carried.
Certificates for Top Shooters in each Discipline – There was a discussion regarding the requirements for the High Average Club.  Steve Carver made a motion to set the target requirements for the High Average Club to be 1500 for Singles; 1500 for Handicap; 1000 for Doubles. Stan Systo seconded the motion.  Motion carried.  The only other requirement would be they would have to have shot Illinois targets.  Joan is sending out letters to all the certificate winners, as well as the State Team members and the Hall of Fame members to make sure they come to the complimentary meal and the annual meeting to receive their awards.
Complimentary Meal/Annual Meeting/Awards – Joan let the board know she is sending out letters to all the High Average certificate winners, as well as the State Team members and the Hall of Fame members to make sure they come to annual meeting that will follow the complimentary meal on Friday, June 17th to receive their awards.
Joan also asked if the complimentary meal was going to be catered.  Ned said he thought Carol was going to cook it like she has in the past.  Joan mentioned she has heard complaints about the pork steak that is always served, and she just wondered if we could set the menu since ISTA is paying for the meal. Ned suggested we plan on that next year to either set the menu or have it catered by FEMA to make it a little nicer since we are wanting more people to come.  Carol has already started getting the meat for this year’s meal.  Bill Huhn said he has heard the same complaints.  Last years cost for the meal was a little over $4,000 and she figures 500 or 550.  Denny said to cater would be around $13.00 a person.  Joan asked if parents could attend with their kids to the meal in order to see their child receive his/her award.  The board agreed and Mike said at Classification they asked if anyone is with the shooter, and they give them tickets to the meal for whoever is with them.
Golf Carts - Bill Maiden asked a question about the golf carts.  He said the ones they got for the target setters last year would barely run.  Ned said if anyone ever has trouble they just need to tell him, and he will get them another cart. He said these are the same carts they used at Mather’s, and they brought them from Granite City.  Bill asked what the cost was for the carts are, and Ned said he did not have it with him, but he would email it to everyone.  He said this company was the best price they found, and they have tried other companies.
Penny a Target – Ned asked if the board wanted to discuss raising the current penny a target.  Mike Dennis suggested just going to $3.00 a day.  If you shoot all three disciplines, there would be no difference.  You will make money on the shooters who only shoot one or two events.  The board decided to table this and discuss it at the June 17th board meeting. 
ATA DELEGATE REPORT – Bill Duncan said he thinks everyone needs to plan on target prices going up next year and the year after that. He said $37 will probably not cut it next year.  Bill said the Executive Committee had a meeting in February.  With the stock market going down, ATA has lost some money.  At the beginning of the new shooting year, Sept, Oct. & Nov, the $3.00 fees for 100 bird events went down 16% across the country but the Big 50 fees during that same time went up 15%. Some shooters are saying they cannot afford to shoot 100 bird events, so they are shooting Big 50’s.  He said he highly encourages clubs to throw more Big 50’s.  The Southwestern Grand is moving from April to September and moving from Texas to Kansas due to low attendance.  Darryl Hayes told Bill he is planning to come to our State Shoot.  It has been a long time since we have had a sitting ATA President attend the Illinois State.
Next ISTA Meeting – June 17, 2022, after Annual Meeting at Brittany
Adjournment -- Motion to adjourn was made by Mike Dennis; Denny Baker seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Joan Maiden
ISTA Secretary