ATA Delegate Reports

Monthly reports from our Illinois ATA Delegate

As I sit down to write this, the coronvirus has swept across the planet and turned our lives upside down. Here in Illinois, we are on lockdown, and I'm afraid registered trapshooting is going to take a major hit in our country. As much as I am going to miss seeing all of my friends at shoots, I want them alive and well when this is all over. So please be patient, smart and safe as we wait for this pandemic to pass.

In February, I went to Tucson, AZ, for the Spring Grand. If  you have never been to the Tucson Trap and Skeet Club, you need to put it on your bucket list. It is a world class shooting facility with every shotgun shooting discipline available to you. Illinois shooters did well there. Chase Horton won the Preliminary Handicap, 27 yard group. Frank Haynes won the Sub-Vet award in the Prescott Handicap. Dave Huber won the Vet trophy in the Pleasant Valley Handicap. Ziggy Tkaczenko won the Chair awards in Class Doubles, HOA and HAA.

I want to do a shout-out to Steve Brink and Denise Stultz. Steve is about ready to shoot 75,000 singles targets and Denise will soon shoot 50,000 handicap.  Too often we reward scores and forget about dedication. Congratulations to both of you on these achievements.

Over the next two years the Illinois Board of Directors will be raising money to build a Hall of Fame at Brittany Shooting Park. The Hall we have now at Brittany is too small, and we need to build a bigger and better building. We are in the process of creating a GoFundMe account at the Illinois State Trapshooting Association webpage. I plan on updating each month on how things are going. Please plan on giving what you can.  The history of Illinois trapshooting is rich and we need a proper hall to display it.


Bill Duncan, Illinois ATA Delegate