Hello Shooters!
It's getting to be time to get the guns out and start blasting again! Make sure you let me know what's been going on at your clubs so I can put it in my next article!
Several people have been asking about the State Shoot dates. They are going to be June 10-16, 2019.
One big shoot we have coming up is the Texas-Illinois Challenge Cup. I do believe this is going to be a big shoot, so come on down to Brittany Shooting Park to help us kick some Texas butt! There will be $1,000 to the HAA Champion and $500 to the Champion of each Discipline (high shooter from either TX or IL). White Flyer has donated $1,500 for a combined Lewis Class between the two clubs. It will consist of 200 Singles on Saturday, April 27 and 100 Doubles and 100 Handicap on Sunday, April 28. There will be a traveling trophy between the two clubs for the top 5 High All Around combined scores. You do not have to be from Illinois or Texas to compete.
There is also a new AIM Director - Josh Baker. If you have any questions for the upcoming year, you can get a hold of him at
Please don't hesitate to get me some information for the article. I love telling how awesome our Illinois shooters are! Send the information to
Good luck shooters!
Lauren Mueller
ATA Delegate