ATA Delegate Reports

Monthly reports from our Illinois ATA Delegate

Hey shooters!


The 2018 Illinois Central Zone shoot was held at Peoria Skeet and Trap Club on May 12 & 13 in order not to coincide with the US Open.  After a rainy start to Saturday, the singles event was down 38 shooters with 86 taking the line.  Even a short rain delay couldn't deter Dave Dressler from finishing on top with a 197.  Sunday's weather was much better with a cloudy morning giving way to a very sunny Mother's Day.  All ladies present were given a rose as a Thank You for attending on THEIR day!  The doubles event was down 30 shooters from 2016 with only 47 participants.  Dan Roberts took top honors with a 96.  Handicap was also down with only 79 shooters.  Rick Liggett turned in a 98 from the 18.5 yard line to take the Champion honors.  HOA was won by Dan Roberts with Leland Hassler taking Out of Zone honors.

The 2018 IL Southern Zone Shoot was held at Brittany Shooting Park on May 26 & 27. The weather was beautiful! A little on the warm side, but much better than the weather we've had for the last few months. There was one storm that we thought would make its way in, but we lucked out and it remained just north of us. There were 126 entries for the singles, 72 for the doubles and 81 for the handicap. There were 3 199s on Saturday - Lauren Mueller, Mike Jordan and Mike Hathaway. Mueller came out on top after two rounds in the shoot off. Mueller also was the lone 99 on Sunday's doubles for the Champion honors. On the handicap, Brady Cox broke his first 100 straight ever! Quite the accomplishment, especially on one of the toughest events! Mueller won Champion for the HAA in zone and Tal Seger took Out of Zone Champ.

There are a couple other honorable mentions - Elise Baker broke a 98 from the 25.5 yard line in Linn Creek for the Handicap Championship to make it to the 27 yard line! She then proceded to go to the Great Lakes Grand in Michigan and broke another 98 to claim Champion of the event the following week. Ian Lawrence had a great show up there as well - he was tied for HOA Champion and Singles Champion! Chloe Turasky broke 100 in handicap from the 19 yard line and won Champion at Menard County Sportsman Club. Everyone keep up the awesome shooting and I'll see you either at the ATA Central Zone Shoot July 26-29 or in Sparta for the Grand!


Lauren Mueller

ATA Delegate