
Friday, February 05, 2021

Members and friends of the ISTA, as you know, we are working on a fundraising initiative to raise money to build a "Hall of Fame" addition to our building at the Brittany Shooting Park.  ISTA members, former and present as well as family members and friends can purchase a personalized, engraved brick paver that will be used to build a sidewalk in front of the Hall of Fame building entrance.  Show your support of our organization, recognize your local club, or purchase a brick to remember a past shooter or accomplishment, that everyone will be able to see for years to come.  

Click here to see online purchasing options  -or- Click here for a printable mail-in form.

Hi, everyone. I want to start out with some milestones Illinois shooters have reached. Janice Rigler has shot 75,000 Singles. Robert Hall and Jim Covert have reached 100,000 targets -- Robert in Handicap and Jim in combined targets. 
Illinois shooters have been doing some great shooting all over the Midwest this summer. I am going to report on winners in the championship targets at state shoots. For more information read the shoot reports of the different states in Trap and Field magazine. 
At the Arkansas State Shoot, Mason Bartlow won the HAA and the Junior HOA. Brian Hezel won the Veteran HAA and the HOA.
At the Minnesota State Shoot, Dave Dressler won the Veteran Doubles Championship. Denise Dressler was the Lady 2 Handicap Champion. Richard Drennen was the HAA Class B Champion and Mike Westjohn won the HOA Senior Veteran Championship.
At the Nebraska State Shoot, Alex Paul won the 19-20 yardage group in the Handicap Championship and Jakeb Paul won the A

2024 - 2025


June 10-16, 2024

Illinois State Shoot

State Teams

Shooter Spotlight

Hall of Fame Donors

Doug Bretl

Ken Jones

Bruce Waide

Git-R-Done Graphics

Landon Sievers

Don Schultz

Kenneth Rigler

William Huhn

Dan Staker

Bruce Bennett

Roger Proctor

Larry Murphy

Kelly Kinder

Thomas Clark

Bruce Waide

Gary Miner

Ken & Anita Knearem

Don Brown

Stan and Connie Systo

Mark Elliott

Joe Nehrt

Randy Miller

Duane Pulliam

John Kraucunas

Carl and Linda Weihmeir

Charlie Bickle

Jim Matteson

Mike Jordan

Gary Crowe

Jerry Brown

Avery Curry

Judy Wegner

Frank Bentley

Frank Payne

James Froy

David Hite

Richard Dewoskin

Janet Cornmesser

Pat Haskins

Steve Carver

Frank Haynes

Roger Schad

Paul & Valerie Rogers

McHenry Sportsmen's Club

Dave & Denise Dressler

Mike & Brenda Dennis

Ronald Wolf

Daniel Huhn

Paul Vonburg

Shoot Calendar
Upcoming ATA Registered Shoots

Shoot Calendar