Minutes of the ISTA Board of Directors Meeting on February 12, 2022


Southern Zone: Dennis Baker, John Kravanek, Ned Meyer, Frank Payne

Central Zone:  Steve Carver, Mike Dennis - ex, Bill Maiden, Kevin Wunder

Northern Zone: Charlie Bickle, Patrick Haskins, Bill Huhn, Stan Systo

Others: Joan Maiden, ISTA Secretary, Dan Schocke, Michelle Mueller, Bill Duncan, ATA Delegate

SECRETARY’S REPORT – Ned Meyer made a motion to waive the reading of the minutes and accept the minutes as presented by email from the Secretary. Pat Haskins seconded the motion. Motion carried.

TREASURER’S REPORT – Ned Meyer reported the following:  Edward Jones investment account, cash & money market, etc... There was a discussion regarding the Association’s investments, and it was decided to leave everything alone for another quarter. Stan Systo made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report; Pat Haskins seconded the motion. Motion carried.


State Shoot Trophy Package – Mike Dennis was not able to be at the meeting, but he sent a text to Joan and asked her to tell everyone he has started ordering trophies and has the first two days done and the HOA. There is significant savings with Wild Wings.

Gunsmith for State Shoot – Charlie reported Cody Rayberger, who has been an apprentice with Phillip’s Gunsmithing for the last few years, will be a gunsmith vendor at the State Shoot.  

Cost of Shells/Difficulty Getting Shells/Cost of Fuel – Ned talked about stores not having any shells. He thinks it will be a problem at the State Shoot. Bill Huhn indicated that Recob has been delivering shells to some of the northern clubs.  Bill Maiden asked Ned if he has tried talking to Winchester in Alton and he said he has but no luck. 


Moving from 3S to www.scoresr.com – Michelle Mueller reported they have not purchased the ScoresR.com software because they looked at one that Mike Dennis told them about that Kansas is working on.  There is another one coming out called SOS. She participated in a webinar with them and if it’s ready by the end of the year, it will be pretty amazing.  It does some nice stuff, follows in the footsteps of 3S and is very user friendly. They are looking for people to beta test it right now, so he has a long way to go unless they are miracle workers. She has not made a decision yet. WSRC has purchased ScoresR and loves it. It was $100 a year. The new one, they are going to charge 1% of any option money that runs through their program. If you do not throw options then you do not pay anything to use their product.  Charlie said he heard there is a program coming out of Las Vegas soon and Michelle said she heard there are at least two more coming out. Her 3S license runs through June 7th so she has time to look around.

Advertisements/IL Gun Club Lewis – Joan Maiden reported advertisements are going a little slow this year.  She has asked the advertisers to send them to her by February 20th so she can work on them and get them to the printer, hopefully, by March 1st. For the Illinois Gun Club Lewis, she said she usually only sent emails to the clubs who had donated in the past but this year she sent all the gun clubs who throw targets an email asking if they would like to donate. 

ATA DELEGATE REPORT – Bill Duncan reported not much happened at their December meeting. ATA funds are basically the same. They have done well with their investments in the stock market. No big rule changes coming down. Bill mentioned the issue of awarding certificates to high average shooters by discipline. The board had voted on it before, but it didn't happen. Some shooters can't afford to shoot all three disciplines in order to make the State Team. Bill will get the names from the ATA average book and will send them to Joan to do the certificates. Stan asked Bill how the shooters will know about it, and he said will be talking about it in his next Delegate report.

Next ISTA Meeting – April 30, 2021, at 11:00 AM Brittany Shooting Park  -- *CORRECTION TO THE MINUTES – The next ISTA Board Meeting has been changed from April 30th to May 21, 2022, at 11:00 AM at Brittany Shooting Park. 

Adjournment -- Motion to adjourn was made by Stan Systo; Pat Haskins seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by Joan Maiden, ISTA Secretary