ATA Delegate Reports

Monthly reports from our Illinois ATA Delegate

Hello shooters!

Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Now that it's a new year, it's time to revisit your goals from last year.  Did you reach a couple small goals?  If so, congratulations!  If not, were they too much?  Did you not try as hard as you could have?  Whatever the problem may have been, it's time to evaluate.  Set a couple small, achievable goals that will help you reach your long-term goal and keep working at it.  Don't be afraid to reach for the stars for the long-term, but remember there are a lot of steps you'll have to take to get there.

One goal I heard was reached was that Jason Hassler broke his 25,000th singles target.  That takes a lot of dedication to the sport and a big milestone he can check off his list!  Congratulations!

The ISTA Board is still looking for donations for the Hall of Fame Building.  They are looking at more affordable means to get the building costs down.  If you made it through Christmas and still are in the giving mood, let one of your ISTA Directors know and they will get the money to the right place!

Don't be afraid to reach out with any questions or comments about what's going on at your club.  You can email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Happy Shooting!

Lauren Mueller, ATA Delegate