ATA Delegate Reports

Monthly reports from our Illinois ATA Delegate

Hello shooters! Hope everyone has taken that step towards their goals since the last article. The Grand results are in, and I am happy to tell you about the big representation IL had down in Sparta!


I went through and counted by hand, so I may be off, but I counted 96 people from Illinois taking home a trophy and 153 trophies in total! That’s incredible! Congratulations to all of you! Some of the names that won multiple trophies – Mike Hathaway, Mike Westjohn, Larry Norton, Lucas Schmedeke, Ziggy Tkaczenko, Ronald Piro, Chase Horton, Tony Fortino, Alex Ligman, Myron Little, Greg Hogue, Nicolas Crisman, Megan Byrns, Ian Lawrence, Randy Leach, Bradley Redman, Drew Strohecker, Trevor Brown, Dan Staker and Jack Criner. Great shooting guys! The weather was amazing this year compared to several in the past. Attendance was up. Scores were up. Overall, what a great Grand.


One big change is that there will no longer be All American Points associated with trophies. The points will go along with scores in each category. You can see these rules on the ATA website under the rule book changes on the forth page. I would love to explain it better but it would take up an entire page in the magazine. If you don’t understand what is written, do not hesitate to contact me and I can further explain. Another change will be that no one will start on the 18 yard line. Those who are there may remain there, but no one will get a reduction to it or start there. Happy shooting!


Lauren Mueller


ATA Delegate