ATA Delegate Reports

Monthly reports from our Illinois ATA Delegate

Hi everyone. I need to correct a mistake I made when figuring out the Illinois all-state team. The program I was using did not sort the shooters properly in the Sub-Veteran category and I did not catch it. The corrected list is. John Upcraft 93.36, Ron Fearheiley 92.95, Brian Cox 92.75, Mark Fielder 92.19, and Ken Mitchell 92.07. My apologies to anyone affected by my mistake. 

I was very saddened by the news of John McFadden passing. I first got to know John when he would stop by the classification window at the Illinois state shoot and chat with me. John was an interesting and friendly person who always made me smile and think. I always appreciate anyone who can do that for me. My condolences to all John's family and friends.

Illinois has three shooters who are at the top of the high average lists in their respective categories. Chase Horton is fourth in the Open category. Steve Margherio is second in the Junior category and Ian Lawrence is second in the Junior Gold category. Nice job guys.

I was reading my January issue of Trap and Field magazine and on pages 70 and 71, I saw the AIM All-Star Team. If you read the criteria to make the team, you realize these kids are excellent, dedicated, and competitive shooters. There are 80 shooters listed from across the country. As I looked at them, I noticed a lot of them are from Illinois. I started to count and found 34 out of 80 are from Illinois. That means 42.5% of these kids are from Illinois. WOW!!!! I knew I was having more and more of a problem competing. I chalked it up to old age. I had no idea there was this much talent nipping at my heels. Congratulations to all of you. Please take pity on an old, bald man.

I'm excited to tell you we have a new club that is starting to throw registered birds. Winchester Trap and Skeet Facility located in Alton, IL., plans on having Big 50 events this year. If things go well, they will also have some 300 bird days. Steve Dinkleman is a registered shooter and the new manager of the club. He wants to expand the operation and not only have leagues. Steve wants me to tell you about a corporate policy at the club. When you sign up to shoot you must buy and use Winchester ammo. They only sell premium AA ammo for you to use. They sell the ammo at a discount, so it is no more expensive than if you went to a store to buy shells. It's a good club and I hope you will go there and support them. Steve's contact info is 618-340-6860, or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Avery Curry has reached the 100,000 Singles plateau. I've known Avery for a long time, and you will never meet a nicer guy. I am really happy and proud of him.

Spring is just around the corner. Get out and support your local clubs.

Bill Duncan, ATA Delegate