ATA Delegate Reports

Monthly reports from our Illinois ATA Delegate

As I am writing this, it is late October and trapshooting in Illinois is winding down for the year. It is sad to know it will be several months before we pick it up again. The good news is it is time for awards from the previous season.

The Illinois Board of Directors met earlier this month and voted to induct Mike Walker and Mike Westjohn into the Illinois Hall of Fame in June at our next state shoot. I have known both of these gentlemen for years and I am so happy for them, and for the State of Illinois, for having such quality individuals to represent us. Congratulations, guys! You deserve this.

I also have some target milestones to tell you about. Larry Brown and Roger Schad have shot 25,000 Singles. Tal Segar has shot 75,000 Singles. Last, but not least, Marvin Kuebler has shot 100,000 Handicap targets. As I have said before, with all the things making it hard to shoot, reaching these numbers is all the more impressive.

Now, as promised last month, I am going to list the 2021 All State team:

Open Team

1  Chase Horton 95.55

2  Jeremiah Schultz 93.57

3 Bradley Bomkamp 93.33

4 Mike Hathaway 93.32

5 John Kravanek 92.19

6 Brian Cox 91.94

7 Adam Fabisiak 91.34

8 Leland Hassler 90.81

9 Kevin Wunder 89.92

10 Mark Chiodini 88.08


Lady 1

1 Lauren Dunn 94.8

2 Ashleigh Painter 93.91

3 Hannah Martin 91.58 

4 Olivia Rainey 88.53 

5 Megan Bierman 86.69


Lady 2

1 Janice Rigler 88.69

2 Joan (Davis) Maiden 82.70

3 Sue Staker 82.51

4 Denise Dressler 82.46


Sub Junior

1 Wyatt Sibley 92.83

2 Braxton Dent 92.64

3 Kyle Fabisiak 92.22

4 Payton Wottowa 90.62

5 Carson Sievers 89.39 



1 Landon Sievers 96.51

2 Steven  Margherio 96.31

3 Samuel Gilman 94.76

4 Ty Leach 89.15

5 Levi Rensing 88.21


Junior Gold

1 Kameron Martin 92.59


Sub Veteran

1 Frank Haynes 94.94

2 Dan Staker 94.32

3 Brian Hezel 94.28

4 Mark Fielder 92.93

5 Dave Dressler 92.87



1 Frank Payne 95.40

2 Mike Dennis 93.44

3 Harvey Schultz 93.1

4 Ron Wolf 92.04

5 Gary Crowe 89.10


Senior Veteran

1 Mike Westjohn 93.73

2 Charlie Bickle 93.25

3 Mike Jordan 92.96

4 Joe Nehrt 91.78

5 Michael Obert 91.01


Chair Shooter

1 Ziggy Tkaczenko 88.7

2 Larry Norton 86.82


Congratulations all of you! If anyone has any questions, or thinks I have made a mistake, give me a call at 217-854-2280 and we will resolve the problem. We had several shooters just miss making the team. Hopefully as shell shortages and Covid problems go away, we will have more people make the team.

If my calculations are correct, you are reading this in December, so everyone have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Till next month.                                  

Bill Duncan, ATA Delegate