ATA Delegate Reports

Monthly reports from our Illinois ATA Delegate

Hi, everyone. By the time you read this the shooting season will be over. I hope everyone has had a very productive season and achieved all of their goals. As I have read shoot reports, Illinois shooters have won their share of trophies all over the Midwest. There are so many I can't list them all, so please look at the shoot reports to see how we have been doing. I do want to give a shout out to Illinois lower class and short yardage shooters. We tend to ignore them and only talk about champions. The average shooter works just as hard and is as proud of their trophies. Good job all Illinois shooters on your wins this year.

We have many Illinois shooters reaching milestones this month. Mark Johnson and Chris Deterding have shot 25,000 singles. James Ward and Tim Arndt have shot 25,000 handicap targets. Dale Miller, Chase Horton and Ron Wolf have shot 25,000 doubles targets. Jim Olin, Dennis Baker and Raymond Plummer have shot 50,000 singles. Finally, David Peace has shot 100,000 combined targets. Way to go everyone! Its awesome what you have accomplished.

Due to the incredible generosity of Illinois shooters, we are making great progress towards raising money to build a new Hall of Fame. It amazes me how our shooters will step up when their is a need. We still have a ways to go, so please consider buying a brick on our web page, or just giving a donation, to make the Hall a reality.

Good luck on the new shooting season!

Bill Duncan, ATA Delegate